School AdmissionWhich grade are you promoted to?*Students' Name*Gender*Male FemalDate of Birth *Nationality *Place of Birth*Religion*Address*Do you have any brothers or sisters at school?YesNoWhich gardes are they in?Previous School Father's Name*Nationality*Religion*Father's JobEducation QualificationID No. / PassportTel No.*Cell Phone No.* Mother's Name*Nationality*Religion*Mother's JobEducation QualificationID No. / PassportTel No.*Cell Phone No.*Marital Status*Please selectMarriedDivorcedWindowedPhone No for emergency if neededAddress for the nearest relative in case of needed: Dear Parents: Please fill this data about your child:My child needs special medical care*YesNoIn case of "Yes" please mention the medical caseMy child's talents My child's best relativeMy child likesAnd dislikesMy child's best friendMy child is a member in clubMy child's best sportIn case of your child sharing in any competition please mention My child spends summer vacation inMy child likes to invite his / her relatives and friends YeaNoEvery year we celebrate His / Her birthday YeaNoMy child likes to be aloneYesNoMy child hasSisterBrother Dear Parents Please mention if you need our transportation *yesNoWe prefer our son to go to school by BusOn our ownDear parents: Why you prefer applying here .. How do you know about us ?*Thank you for applying at Helalia Language SchoolSendThis field should be left blank